Wednesday, 3 November 2010

how have we got it so wrong?

We live in a world that believes that we have a God who sits in heaven judging us, which is a complete contradiction to everything the bible teaches us. Yes we will have to come before the Lord on the day of judgement but Jesus came so that we would live. He is all about beauty, grace, forgiveness, mercy and love. He died so that we would live in him. It's that simple, why would a God who wants to judge us, hang on a cross to bring us life? It doesn't make any sense. God is love, that makes sense. I hate that our brothers and sisters have got it so wrong, I hate that as Christians we condemn ourselves when "God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned....". [John 3:17-18]

If we believe in Jesus, then we must trust that the bible is full of truth because Jesus is truth. And if we believe that the bible is true then why do we stand condemned? Why do we burden ourselves with guilt and shame when Jesus died to forgive our sins? We don't need to earn it; we never could. We don't deserve it but God says we are worth it. YOU ARE WORTH IT, YOU ARE WORTH DYING FOR!!! You were given a gift and all you need to do is accept it. A gift that was freely given for a broken world because we have a God who loves us so much that he would send his Son to die so that we could be brought back into relationship with him. He created us to be in relationship with him, he created us in his image AND HE SAID IT WAS VERY GOOD! God said the world was good, but he said mankind was very good. You are special, set apart, different, you are a chosen people.

The bible is a love story; a love letter from our heavenly Father to show his children how much he LOVES THEM. The bible is a truth story; full of the truth that God is speaking over us. The bible is a current story; we live in the middle of it. THE BIBLE IS OUR STORY!!!!

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