Sunday 18 December 2011


I absolutely love Christmas.. always have always will! But since I met Jesus Christmas has just become literally the most amazing time of year!! It's so exciting in build up to anticipate the gift and then to celebrate that Jesus came and died for us so we could be with him forever... I mean WOW!!! It's so amazing like it literally amazes me I can't even really comprehend it that's how unbelievably incredible it is :D It's weird because I'm fully aware that for most people Christmas really isn't about Jesus but I still feel like we come together all over the world to celebrate him because you only have to look at what people do for Christmas and you can see Jesus. It might be about presents and family and food but Jesus was a present, he brought us into God's family and food is everywhere in Jesus' ministry!

Everything about Christmas makes me happy; Christmas jumpers, cosy socks, Christmas lights, mulled wine, hot chocolate, Christmas dinner, family time, carols by candlelight, Christmas holidays, long drives to see family, ice skating, the Christmas market, yule log, time with friends, really well wrapped presents, chocolates on the tree, Christmas decorations, the cold, snow??, Christmas songs and general christmassyness!!!! All of it I love it, everything about it, makes me so happy. Sometimes in summer I yearn for days in front of the fire in Christmas jumpers, slippers with hot chocolate and marshmallows with friends and the cuddles with the dog... best days ever!!!!!

This Christmas I plan to enjoy my time off with my family and friends at home and remember Jesus and how incredible he is. How much of a gift he is. How much he loves me and how much I love him. And just generally revel in the beauty of everything that Christmas means and brings.... My prayer is that you and I would come to know Jesus better over this Christmas season and remember daily his great perfect unfailing never ending completely amazing incredibly beautiful LOVE!!!!

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